Total contact hours per week:
4 |
Times per week:
1 |
Student grouping (e.g., proficiency level, grade, age):
by language aptitude and age
Language skills taught in the program (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, and listening):
reading, writing, speaking, and listening
Aspects of culture included in the program (e.g., history, literature, traditions):
geography, history, festivals, customs, traditions and beliefs, folktales, arts and crafts, songs, rhymes, social and cultural norms, and literature
Other content taught in the program:
once a year, ethics
Instructional methodologies used in the program:
refer to the webpage of the Lithuanian Educational Council (http://www.svietimotaryba.org/newsite/gaires.htm)
Levels of language proficiency reached by the end of the program (e.g., ACTFL proficiency
levels, language tasks able to perform):
ACTFL (Advanced Low and Mid), CERF B1 and B2