Secondary Newcomer Programs in the U.S.

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Newcomer Academy
Program Address:
750 Bradford Street
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: (650) 423-2222

Contact Person:
Rosemarie Pérez
Director of English Learner Services

  • Program Information
    • Information provided for school year: 2010-2011
      Year Program Started: 2000
      School/Grade Levels: Middle school site(s)
      Program Description:
      The Newcomer Program is located on two campuses. It is a full-day program that serves 16 district elementary and middle schools, Grades 3–8. The program provides accelerated acquisition of English skills, sheltered content classes, and acculturation to the American culture and school system. Spanish primary language support is offered as needed. Most students exit the program after one year.
      Newcomer Student Definition:
      A newcomer is a non English-speaking student who has been in the country for no more than 12 months.
      Type of Language Program: ESL
      Type of Community: Suburban
      How Families Learn of Program: Through home school referrals
      Students Assigned From:
      • More than one school
      Name(s) of the Home School(s): Grades 6-8: Kennedy and McKinley; Grades K–8 schools: Clifford, Roy Cloud, Hoover, and Selby Lane; Grades K–5 schools: Fair Oaks, Hawes, John Gill, Roosevelt and Taft
      Funding Sources:
      • Federal
      • State
      • District
      Other District Language Support Programs: Sheltered English Immersion, Dual Language Programs.
  • Program Design Features
    • Program Location:
      • Separate site from home school(s)
      Length of Day:
      • Full-day Program
      Length of Program:
      • 1-year program
      Average Length of stay: 2 semester(s)
      Maximum Length of stay: 4 semester(s)
      Average Class Size: 15 student(s)
      Entry Criteria: CELDT level 1 and in the U.S. no more than 12 months
  • Newcomer Student Demographics
    • Number of Newcomer Students in Program: 29
      Age Range of Students: 8–14
      Number of Countries Represented: 4
      Most Common Countries:
      • Mexico
      • El Salvador
      • Peru
      • Guatemala
      Number of Non-English Languages Represented: 1
      Most Common Student Languages:
      • Spanish
      Percentage of Students with Interrupted Formal Schooling: 50%
      Percentage of Students with Free or Reduced Lunch: 95%
  • Instruction
    • Languages Used for Instruction: English with Spanish support
      Courses Provided by the Newcomer Program:
      • Sheltered content in English
        • math
        • science
        • social studies
        • language arts
        • health
        • other: Music, PE
      • ESL or English language development
      Typical Newcomer Student Schedule: The middle school students receive core classes in ELD, ELA, and math. Science and Social Studies concepts are taught during the ELA or ELD block. The students also take PE and electives. (Students in the elementary program for Grades 3-5 are in self-contained classrooms.)
      Literacy Development Practices: Foundational skills of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and reading comprehension as needed. Program utilizes oral interaction and primary language support as appropriate. Key ELA and Math standards are covered.
      Literacy Materials Used: Inside by National Geographic/Hampton Brown
      High School Courses Receiving Core Credit: N/A
      High School Courses Receiving Elective Credit: N/A
      Credit Recovery or Online Learning Courses: N/A
      Additional Learning Opportunities: Summer programs and after school programs
      Ancillary Services Offered Students:
      • Other: Extended day support
      5- or 6- Year Program Available for High School Newcomer Students: N/A
  • Assessment and Evaluation
    • Placement Measures
      Inside placement test (6-8)
      English language proficiency:
      Inside Placement Test, District and Math assessments
      Progress Measures
      Curriculum assessments, Benchmark testing, ADEPT
      English language proficiency:
      CELDT, ADEPT, curriculum assessments
      District Benchmark tests in math and English language arts, curriculum embedded assessments.
      Achievement Measures
      State standards tests:
      Other assessments:
  • Student Transition and Monitoring
    • Type of Program Students Exit Into:
      • Mainstream
      Exit Criteria: After 1 year or 1 level growth on oral language assessment
      Measures to Facilitate Student Transition Out of the Newcomer Program: If the transition is mid-year, Newcomer Academy staff meet with the student's family and the teachers and administrators at the new school. Students exiting at the end of the school year to attend a different school in the fall have transitional meetings with their teachers during spring conferences.
      The principal and teachers help with transitions.

  • Program Staffing and Professional Development
    • Total Number of Program Administrators: 3
      Full Time in Newcomer Program:
      Total Number of Teachers: 3
      Full Time in Newcomer Program: 2
      Criteria to Teach in Newcomer Program: Bilingual Spanish, multiple subject credential, experience teaching ELs
      Total Number of Paraprofessionals: 2
      Total Number of Resource Teachers: 0
      Total Number of Guidance Counselors for School:
      Social Worker/Family Liaison: No
      Guidance Counselors for Program: No
      Total Number of Staff Who Speak in One of the Student Native Languages: 5
      Languages that Staff Speak in Addition to English: Spanish
      Professional Development Topics for Teachers and Staff: ELD training, Explicit Direct Instruction, curriculum training, data analysis
  • Connecting Families and Social Capital Networks
    • School Services Offered to Parents and Families:
      • Parent outreach
      • Other: Parent meetings on site
      Newcomer Program Partnerships:
      Social Services for Families:
      Family Center Services and Migrant Education Program for qualified families.
      Methods to Inform Families of Services Available:
      Newcomer families are surveyed quickly upon registration to see if they qualify for services. The family centers use the San Mateo community handbook to refer all families with needs to the available social services.
      Methods to Inform Service Agencies of Newcomer Program:
      Meetings with Community School Director at district level and coordinators of services at site level.