Placement Measures
We use the DORA (diagnostic on-line reading assessment) which gives us a reading Lexile score for all of our students. Our Spanish-speaking students also take the SUPERA test which gauges their native language grade equivalent in language and reading.
English language proficiency:
W-APT (WIDA ACCESS screener) upon entry is used to identify all ESL students in our district.
In-district test is used to determine appropriate math placement.
Progress Measures
Reading Gains tests from National Geographic as part of the EDGE series is given 3 times a year to all district ELL students, including Newcomer students to chart growth using Lexile levels.
English language proficiency:
ACCESS test. We also give Newcomer students pre and post writing tests using an in-district writing rubric loosely based on the IMAGE rubric. ESL teacher input at the end of the semester also measures growth in English acquisition.
Achievement Measures
State standards tests:
All Newcomers take the ACCESS test once per year and all eleventh grade Newcomer students take the PSAT/ACT test as well.
Other assessments:
The body of work a student has demonstrated while at Newcomers is taken into consideration and collected from all the Newcomer teachers regardless of subject area. We look at participation, level of acculturation, social language and academic language as well as student motivation to make the transition to the home school and the age of the student. In some cases we need to consider over-aged students with few graduation credits as potential candidates to make the transition to their respective home schools sooner than we would want to in order to help them graduate on time.
Program Evaluation:
So far only informal evaluations have taken place. Growth in state test scores for Newcomer Center students have been compared with growth for the general ESL population. Since the number of Newcomer students tested is small, it is difficult to determine statistical significance, although the basic data shows higher average growth for Newcomer students compared to the general ELL population.