Secondary Newcomer Programs in the U.S.

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Newly Arrived Program, High School Learning Center
Program Address:
183 Haverhill Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: (978) 975-5917
Fax: (978) 975-7980

Contact Person:
Dr. Samaria Hashem

  • Program Information
    • Information provided for school year: 2010-2011
      Year Program Started: 2007
      School/Grade Levels: High school site(s)
      Program Description:
      The goal of this separate site, high school newcomer program is to build the academic vocabulary skills of students. The program also helps acculturate students. Students who score a 0 or 1 on the LAS test enter this program or stay in this program until they score a 2. Students who are in this high school learning center receive sheltered lessons in content areas in order to be able to participate in mainstream classes. Most students remain at the center for one year, although some may stay for two.
      Newcomer Student Definition:
      A newcomer is a high school age student who has been in the United States for less than one year or has been out of the United States for an extended time and scores less than 2 on the LAS test.
      Aspects of Program Working Well:
      The teacher teams are highly efficient. Students are moving rapidly between levels within the program. Students are transitioning successfully to the Lawrence High School Campus.
      Type of Language Program: ESL
      Type of Community: Urban/metropolitan
      How Families Learn of Program: Upon registration in school district
      Students Assigned From:
      • An in-take/assessment center
      Name(s) of the Home School(s): Lawrence High School Campus
      Funding Sources:
      • District
      Other District Language Support Programs: Sheltered English instruction is available. Schools use the SIOP Model and the students also get ESL instruction.
  • Program Design Features
    • Program Location:
      • Separate site from home school(s)
      Length of Day:
      • Full-day Program
      Length of Program:
      • 1-year program
      Average Length of stay: 2 semester(s)
      Maximum Length of stay: 4 semester(s)
      Average Class Size: 15 student(s)
      Entry Criteria: Students have to be new to the country. However, we retest students if they go out of the country for 6 months or more. If they don't score a 2 or above on the LAS, they are placed back into the program.
  • Newcomer Student Demographics
    • Number of Newcomer Students in Program: 210
      Age Range of Students: 14-18
      Number of Countries Represented: 11
      Most Common Countries:
      • Dominican Republic
      • Puerto Rico
      • Haiti
      Number of Non-English Languages Represented: 4
      Most Common Student Languages:
      • Spanish
      • French
      • Haitian Creole
      Percentage of Students with Interrupted Formal Schooling: 10%
      Percentage of Students with Free or Reduced Lunch: 90%
  • Instruction
    • Languages Used for Instruction: English
      Courses Provided by the Newcomer Program:
      • Sheltered content in English
        • math
        • science
        • social studies
        • language arts
      • ESL or English language development
      • Reading intervention
      Typical Newcomer Student Schedule: 2 periods of English Language Development each day, 1 period of Sheltered U.S. History each day, 1 period of Sheltered Geometry or Algebra 1 each day, 1 period of Sheltered Biology 1 or Biology 2 each day, 1 period of Gym per week, 4 periods of Reading/Writing Workshop per week, 4 periods of Special Topics (computer related writing), 4 periods of Geography per week.
      Literacy Development Practices: The Newcomer's curriculum is based on the Sheltered English approach.
      Literacy Materials Used: System 44, Sheltered English through content area instruction
      High School Courses Receiving Core Credit: Sheltered Biology, Sheltered U.S. History, Sheltered Algebra, Sheltered Geometry, Sheltered English (two credits)
      High School Courses Receiving Elective Credit: PE, Writing, Special Topics, Reading/Writing Workshop
      Credit Recovery or Online Learning Courses: Yes, we have credit recovery online courses but newcomer students would not be able to participate until their English skills improved.
      Additional Learning Opportunities: An after school and summer school program are held as long as funding is available.
      Ancillary Services Offered Students:
      • Special Education
      • Tutoring
      5- or 6- Year Program Available for High School Newcomer Students: No
  • Assessment and Evaluation
    • Placement Measures
      English language proficiency:
      Progress Measures
      Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
      English language proficiency:
      MEPA (Massachusetts English Proficiency Assessment)
      Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
      Achievement Measures
      State standards tests:
      MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System), if they enter at a grade 10 level
      Other assessments:
      Teachers' formative and summative assessments
      Program Evaluation: Yes, using our yearly Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) for improving instruction
  • Student Transition and Monitoring
    • Type of Program Students Exit Into:
      • Mainstream
      Exit Criteria: Student must score above a 2 on the LAS test, achieve passing grades in Newcomer Program courses, and be recommended by teachers.
      Measures to Facilitate Student Transition Out of the Newcomer Program:
      Counselors at the receiving school help students negotiate transitions.

      Postsecondary Options for High School Newcomers:
      • GED
      • Adult Basic Education
      • Find a job
      • Other: Spanish GED
  • Program Staffing and Professional Development
    • Total Number of Program Administrators: 3
      Full Time in Newcomer Program:
      Total Number of Teachers: 13
      Full Time in Newcomer Program: 10
      Criteria to Teach in Newcomer Program: If not already certified, all teachers need to be working toward ESL certification and/or content area certification.
      Total Number of Paraprofessionals: 1
      Total Number of Resource Teachers: 1, SPED teacher
      Total Number of Guidance Counselors for School: 2
      Social Worker/Family Liaison: No
      Guidance Counselors for Program: No
      Total Number of Staff Who Speak in One of the Student Native Languages: 6
      Languages that Staff Speak in Addition to English: Spanish, Romanian, French
      Professional Development Topics for Teachers and Staff: SIOP Model, differentiated instruction.
  • Connecting Families and Social Capital Networks
    • School Services Offered to Parents and Families:
      • Orientation to USA
      • Information sharing with community organizations
      Newcomer Program Partnerships:
      The Community Action Council Pathways Program provides an after-school literacy program.
      Social Services for Families:
      Counseling services (psychological), Adult ESL classes, Citizenship classes
      Methods to Inform Families of Services Available:
      Flyers and our district automated telephone system
      Methods to Inform Service Agencies of Newcomer Program:
      Community partnership meetings though the Pathways Program